Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Girls' Hostel Group for Campus Report

These are some of the suggestions for the improvement of the WHOR:
1. Area outside Nilgiris- clear it up, grow grass, have benches.
2. Have a badminton court in the space outside Nilgiris.
3. Ensure better water supply in the Mess Block bathrooms.
4. Improve the Mess Block bathrooms.
5. Renovation of all bathrooms. Especially, showers with mixers in the older bathrooms that don't have them currently.
6. Remove dogs from the hostel.
7. Water-coolers on every floor that work! Monthly check-up of water-coolers.
8. Replace old/broken furniture in the rooms.
9. Lights on the terrace.
10. Closed dustbins so that dogs can't topple them over.
11. Lights installed in the pathway behind Nilgiris.

More suggestions (from girls and guys) are welcome! Please post your suggestions on the blog or contact any CDMC member with them.


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