Sunday, November 4, 2007

Library Group - Suggestions (detailed)

Structural Safety of the Library
It is a matter of great concern that the Committee (comprising faculty) that was constituted in response to the queries regarding the structural safety of the library building (after the collapse of one wing of the library in the early months after its inauguration) has still not come out with its findings. This Committee should be given a deadline (or should be reconstituted) to come out with its findings. In the event that these findings are not made available to the students by the assigned date, the CDMC will take this issue to the parents and, if need be, to the media also. After all, the safety of the students, staff and visitors to the NLSIU should be of paramount importance.

The following are the ideas and suggestions for the improvement of the Narayan Rao Melgiri National Law Library, or ‘The Lib’:


Whenever it rains, the path to the library becomes a dangerous place to walk due to the slipperiness of the tiles. Many a student has slipped and fallen on this tiled path. These tiles are not outdoor tiles and hence are not at all suitable for outdoor conditions. In the long term, these tiles should be removed and replaced with outdoor/exterior use tiles. Until this replacement is made, a short term solution would be to place a row of large sized rubber mats (with big holes in them – as used at the entrances to the academic block, end to end along the length of the pathway). Drainage holes should also be made at regular intervals on both sides of the path, allowing rain water to drain off.
Costs: Large Rubber Mats (20), Removal and relaying work, Exterior/Outdoor tiles
Benefits: Safe entry into the library

Plug points
There is serious shortage of plug points in the library. All existing plug points have to be repaired and those under leaky parts of the roof have to be provided with a protective cap or covering to prevent them from getting spoilt again. In a few parts of the library extra points have to be made available. Further, the library should be equipped with at least a dozen multi-point devices/spike busters in order for the plug points to be used by three or four students at one point. These multi-points can be provided at places where there are tables for four and they can be fixed into position with a strip of double-sided tape.
The students also request that a power outlet be provided just outside the library door, since during holidays students often come and sit on the floor outside the inner door of the library in order to use the internet for some urgent work.
Costs: Multi-point extension boxes (10-12), Electrical work to repair and add new power outlets
Benefits: Tension free access to power for greater number of students

Cracked Metal Ladder, Shaky Rail

The top of the metal ladder going from the entrance floor to the top floor is cracked at the point where it reaches the top floor. This has to be repaired and reinforced immediately. It is extremely hazardous to have a cracked ladder.
The rail on the right side when going to the top floor from the entrance floor is shaky and hence could be unstable. This too needs immediate attention and repair.
Costs: Reinforcement or repair of ladder, Fixing of rail
Benefits: Structural safety

Water Cooler

At present there is only one water cooler and it is on the bottom floor. This makes it difficult for people on the top floor to get quick and easy access to drinking water. One way of tackling this problem is to shift the water cooler onto the entrance floor so that it is equally close to the top and bottom floors. The other solution is to have another cooler on the top floor. In fact there is already an alcove and an electrical point on the top floor where a cooler can be fitted in.
Currently, there is only one tumbler at the water cooler and that is layered from the inside with mineral deposits. It would be much more hygienic and presentable if there was a small shelf fitted under each water cooler and a few tumblers kept there for use, which are rinsed out once everyday to prevent the formation of deposits.
Costs: Procuring Water cooler, Set of Six new stainless steel tumblers
Benefits: Quick and Easy Access to water for students, faculty and visitors


It is essential that, in a place like the library, there are dustbins on each floor. Though, the women in charge of keeping the library spic and span do their job admirably, the students as well as the photocopy people require the use of a dustbin to throw bits of paper, or at times a sweet wrapper. Small, open-top dustbins (similar to the black ones used in the academic block) should be placed on each floor of the library, preferably close to the photocopy areas.
Costs: Small open-top dustbins (3)
Benefits: Cleanliness and convenience in the library

Book Holders

Some of the legal books are very bulky and thus make them unwieldy to read from. A few book holders/stands should be placed on the tables on each floor. These wooden pieces used to be a feature in the old library (in the academic block).
Costs: None (?) [Book stands – 10]
Benefits: Ease of reading thick books

In the Toilets
First, it is essential that toilets on all floors should be kept open at all times. Apart from the obvious convenience that this would ensure, it would also not be of any use to have a toilet but keep it locked and inaccessible. [The ground floor Gents Toilet is not always functional and is kept closed most of the time.]
Though, there are bulbs both in the toilet and the individual cubicles, all of them are not functional. The bulbs should be replaced or switches suitably repaired so that the toilets are accessible and convenient to use when it becomes dark.
It is very important that the toilets are provided with closed dustbins. The lack of dustbins in the toilets is, at present, extremely inconvenient for female students.
It would be more convenient, hygienic and presentable if, instead of bars of soap, soap dispensers or liquid soap bottles are provided in each toilet.
At present, the cleaning liquids and mops used by the helpers in the library are placed on the window sills in the toilets. This looks unsightly. A rack or a simple cabinet under the washbasin could be fitted to keep all the cleaning equipment. In addition to looking neat, this arrangement would also enhance the dignity of the job of the helpers.
Costs: Closed Dustbins (7), replacement of faulty bulbs (?), Soap Dispensers/Liquid Soap (7), wooden plank/ single door cabinet (2)
Benefits: Clean, neat and functional toilets which are convenient to use

Table for Photocopy Room
Currently, the books are often piled on the floor and during project submissions time there are stacks of books all over the floor. An extra table or two from any other part of the campus should be shifted into the photocopy room so that the books can be placed neatly on the tables.
Costs: None
Benefits: Convenience of students and photocopy people

Library Computer on Top Floor
Though there is a sign that says ‘OPAC/Research Database’ on one of the work stations on the top floor, and though earlier there used to be a library computer on this table, there is no longer a library computer on the top floor. A library computer should be placed in this area. Until there is a computer in this area, the sign should be removed.
Costs: Shift a computer/Get another Computer (?)
Benefits: Ease of Access to Research Databases

Sofa Sets
Especially when there are visitors to the library, having a simple sofa set like the one that was previously in the library would be a great value addition. It would give an air of comfort to the otherwise sparse décor of the library.
Costs: None (there used to be a sofa earlier)
Benefits: Value addition to the décor, great place to read newspapers

Along similar lines as the academic block, it would be appropriate to have at least three or four leading daily newspapers on a stand in the library. There is space for such stands on the bottom floor of the library. If the sofa sets are brought back then, the newspapers can instead be placed on a table near the sofa set.
Costs: Newspaper stands (2), Newspapers - Dailies (4)
Benefits: Newspapers are essential to a national law library

Artificial Plants
The existing artificial plants hanging below the metal ladder leading to the top floor are extremely ugly and take away from the grandeur of the library. These should be removed and possibly, replaced with more elegant and stylised flowers.
Costs: Pots of Artificial plants (2)
Benefits: Décor

Clock for the Tower
In the long term, it would be a matter of honour to the institution if the clock tower got the clock that was supposed to be adorning it. It would be an appropriate tribute to the library.
Computers in the Computer Lab
All the computers should attended to regularly so that they are always in good working condition. Microsoft Word and Adobe should be installed on all the computers since all the documents used by the students are either Word or Adobe files and hence it is necessary to have this software.

.............. we need views and suggestions on the following especially............
A few small stools should be provided on each floor in between the book shelves so that students can use them to access the books on all shelves and sit by the bookshelves to see what books are available.

Access to Terrace (Door near upstairs photocopy area)

Mosquito Problem

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