Monday, October 29, 2007

Men's hostel group

These are some thought regarding the Men's hostels. Do let us know comments / possible suggestions, etc.

  1. Atleast one functional fire extinguisher on each floor of each hostel
  2. Big, new dustbins on each floor of each hostel. Many of the current dustbins are either too small, or broken. Furthermore, many floors have only a 1-2 dustbins as opposed to the required number of 4. Also, the new LLM hostel doesn’t have any dustbin at all. Moreover, the dustbins should be placed within a ring fixed to the wall, so that the dustbins are not toppled over by the dogs and rendered useless.
  3. Meshing of all the windows of all the rooms. The present meshes are really old, broken and have holes in them. As a result, a lot many mosquitoes, insects and other small animals can enter. Also, a lot of dust accumulates in them which is impossible to remove. Possible solution: Cloth meshing fixed with velcro
  4. Soap dispensers in every bathroom
  5. Repairs/new water cooler in Himalaya hostel. Repair/replacement of aqua-guards in the other hostels.
  6. Shed and clothesline provision on terrace/outside new LLM hostel. No place to hang clothes currently.
  7. Tiling and renovation of all bathrooms
  8. New shower mixers, mirrors and exhaust fans in all bathrooms
  9. Badminton net and neon lights in Ganga hostel
  10. Construction of bike shed near Ganga-Cauvery hostel. Space between new LLM hostel and nearby wall is currently vacant.
  11. Partitioning of ground floor of new LLM hostel into smaller divisions. Smaller rooms can be used for: a. Shifting of GWC library b. Laundromat c. Common room for parents, relatives, other guests can sit when they come to visit
  12. 24 hours water supply
  13. Earthing of electrical connections, especially in bathrooms and with respect to hot water (especially Cuavery hostel)
  14. Rainwater harvesting for all hostels
  15. Checking for problems and necessary repairs so as to prevent tripping of electricity in Ganga hostel


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Girls' Hostel Group for Campus Report

These are some of the suggestions for the improvement of the WHOR:
1. Area outside Nilgiris- clear it up, grow grass, have benches.
2. Have a badminton court in the space outside Nilgiris.
3. Ensure better water supply in the Mess Block bathrooms.
4. Improve the Mess Block bathrooms.
5. Renovation of all bathrooms. Especially, showers with mixers in the older bathrooms that don't have them currently.
6. Remove dogs from the hostel.
7. Water-coolers on every floor that work! Monthly check-up of water-coolers.
8. Replace old/broken furniture in the rooms.
9. Lights on the terrace.
10. Closed dustbins so that dogs can't topple them over.
11. Lights installed in the pathway behind Nilgiris.

More suggestions (from girls and guys) are welcome! Please post your suggestions on the blog or contact any CDMC member with them.


Monday, October 22, 2007

CDMC Report Update!

Yes, we've started work on the CDMC Report. The first thing we have done is to divide up the task into smaller components. Divide and rule thing. So, the campus has been divided into 6 Zones and one CDMC Member has been made in-charge of co-ordinating the volunteers and the work with respect to that Zone.

The Zones and the Committee member in charge of that zone are:
1. Acad Block Kranti
2. Library Priya
3. Girls Hostel Ameya
4. Boys Hostel Harsh
5. Sports Facilities Rachel
6. Rest of the Campus Kranti (temporary) (to be replaced by our new co-opts)

Volunteers for each group will meet in this week (come on guys, move it!) and take a walk through the area of a particular Zone and brainstorm together to get as many ideas as possible about the problems and solutions with respect to that particular area. Hopefully by the time we have our Open Meeting this Thursday (25th Oct) we will have an outline of what our Report is going to deal with.

We only have a handful of volunteers and are looking forward to more people contributing to this effort in one way or another. Send an email to with the Zone of your choice and a CDMC Member will get in touch with you with the details of how you can contribute.